• Who's Controlling You?: Encountering the Ultimate Connectedness

Who's Controlling You?: Encountering the Ultimate Connectedness - Mardi Harjo

Why would anyone be more willing to embrace a lie and suffer the consequences rather than know the peace of being reconciled to the Truth? By what means are we even able to recognize unchangeable truth and in whom it is found? Why do humans persist in the ongoing irony of attempting to render credence to the very thing they strive to overcome? Is there any alternative? Though we are responsible for the choices we make, do our choices run the show and dictate the final outcome? Is a sovereign God at the mercy of our choices?
With transparent personableness, boldness, humor and pathos, the author engages Christians and non-Christians alike, offering thought-provoking and hope-inspiring biblical responses to some of the deeper questions skeptics and believers ask. Moving beyond the necessity of addressing the effects of human insubordination, this book cuts to the chase by uncovering the root cause of mankind's self-destructive behavioral dilemma and unmasks the God-hating, authority-despising, dichotomous, self-genocidal nature that continues to drive us all unless we be mercifully interrupted by the Holy Spirit of Jesus.
Emphasized throughout is the wonder of God's astonishing love as was epitomized in the magnitude of what took place on Calvary's tree when the innocent Christ took the death penalty in our place, reversing the curse upon this universe and ushering in the powerful phenomenon of spiritual regeneration and resurrection Life. Observed herein as well is the tragic human response which would rather blame one's sinful self on a Holy God rather than put aside the pride, repent, and plead for His forgiveness. Diverse topics are discussed that many a reader would relate to, all of which reveal that the heart of the matter is a matter of the heart-so compellingly unveiled in the author's autobiographical summation.
Mardi Harjo expresses appreciation for her book having been chosen in its category as Pinnacle Book Achievement Award Winner by the NABE (National Association of Book Entrepreneurs) for Fall of 2020.

"The cancer of the soul is a terminal, evil, shady, proud, merciless entity. No human can cure it or even be willing and able to recognize it for what it is without some outside help."

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"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

Mardi Harjo

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WOW!!!!! This book is AMAZING!!! This author is completely ALL ABOUT TRUTH and will have you floored to your seat! You simply cannot help yourself from turning your natural defenses to OFF MODE! Even the most stubborn and defensive of people will be finding themselves re-evaluating their life choices throughout reading this entire book!

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